Wednesday, November 28, 2012

EOC Week 9: Three Great Mission Statements

     A good business mission statement can determine how well your product, or products sell in the marketplace.  Most of them never change. They serve as a filter to separate what is important from what is not.  I’ve chose three statements from my classmates, which I believe are effective and comprehensible. 
     Sean Corcoran’s( )mission statement for his new snack, The Asado Tire Crackers,  is persuasive, and very descriptive.  It quickly attracts your attention by letting the consumer know they are in for something unique and exciting when they buy this product. He uses great adjectives to describe his snack, and promises a memorable experience.
      Victor Camarillo @  statement is short, but to the point.  He doesn’t use a lot of big words or offer an elaborate story to promote his product. The marketing text mentions that jargon mission statements often confusing and misleading. Victor states that his product uses premium ingredients and will be on your mind the whole time.  Those two statements makes me want to go out and buy the snacks right now.  I also think he has a catchy name for his product.
     I think Alexandria Espinoza @  has a great business mission statement too.  She challenge consumers  to take part of the  adventure  and the  experience of Spain. Alexandria uses words like exotic and mystery to entice every adult to buy her snacks.  She also offers other flavors for you to  look forward to and enjoy. Her statement feels right, and seems like a great marketing tool for the Phineas Fogg brand.

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